Then there's the case of Omar Khadr, a man who was
the designation of enemy combatant in a
manner as to see
him treated justly as a POW and
released at the conclusion
of hostilities after being
held under conditions pursuant to
the Geneva
Convention on Human rights and the right treatment
of prisoners, rather than doing any of this right, the
clan botched the whole thing as their
stupid ideas of wisdom
always is doing, if you can
see through it - these freaks never get
ANYTHING RIGHT. After pissing away four trillion
dollars (we may
never have enough to pay this
without printing currency without
inflation alone being
the outcome - as no asset support would
have been
brought into being I suspect for this no doubt)
Trudeau then rapes the coffers in canada for 10
Million dollars
for Khadr who should rightly have been
paid by the Americans
instead if he suffered from
torture etc without reasonable cause and
even then
10 million is too much to take from our Irish spirited
families in Canada or the USA for the sheer minded
rank stupidity
that the mindset of the witch that Bush
and Trudeau share on the
planet - when it is those
directly responsible for the mistakes made
who should pay - according to their means. There
was no bloody
excuse to bomb Iraq into the dark
ages even after it had fully
withdrawn from its
disputed territory in Kuwait - a matter that
was the
business of the sanely Arabs alone in areas
as Lebanon etc who rightly stood to gain
from what is Arab Oil
after all.